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Overthrowing Education

New episodes every other Sunday.

Oct 30, 2022

My guest on this episode is awesome educator and author Elizabeth Jorgensen who I initially met on a social media platform that rhymes with bitter (which is basically how many of us feel about it right now). We discuss Process Based Assessment, moving away from grades, and of course, why and how to make a homework-less teaching practice.

 Recently, I reached out to educators to get there take on homework and I got an incredible response- very diverse and passionate. Elizabeth reached out to me to share an essay she wrote (see link below) that I really loved. She is also the author of Hacking Student Learning Habits: 9 Ways to Foster Resilient Learners and Assess the Process not the Outcome, among many other books.

I’d like to thank my guest, Elizabeth Jorgensen and my Almighty Mouse fauxmercial helpers, Yossie and Tuvia Frankel.

Links and Resources:

The Essay I reference


Gwen Jorgensen: USA's First Olympic Gold Medal Triathlete (Meyer & Meyer Sport)

Sijo: Korea's Poetry Form (Parkyoung)

Hacking Student Learning Habits (Times 10 Publications)

Go: Gwen, Go: A Family's Journey to Olympic Gold (Meyer & Meyer Sport)